Much of the information on the PrintKit software products is also available in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). If you like your documentation in printed form, you may find these documents more convenient than printed copies of web pages.

PrintKit Product Brochure

Product overview and detailed technical product description for the PrintKit Network Printing Interface software, the general purpose version of Northlake's PrintKit product, which provides OpenVMS printing for an extensive range of networked printers.

PrintKit Price List and Order Form

Pricing and ordering information for PrintKit, including licenses, support services and media kits.

PrintKit and Forms Overlays

Describes the PrintKit software's forms overlay capabilities. Discusses how overlay definitions are prepared, and lists PC-based forms design software that can be used to produce forms for use with PrintKit.

Production PrintKit
Production PrintKit Product Brochure

Product Overview and detailed technical product description for the Production PrintKit Printing Interface software, the version of Northlake's PrintKit product that provides OpenVMS enablement for high-performance, production printers.

Production PrintKit Price List and Order Form

Pricing and ordering information for Production PrintKit, including licenses, support services and media kits. Also includes a description of the premium support service provided for Production PrintKit.